How the Blog Will Evolve

I would like for this blog to serve as a place for my elementary students to find out about books, authors and illustrators. I would like this to be a place for them to come to search for new titles and find out about great podcasts and Internet sites. I am so excited that I took this class! Now my blog can be used as a teaching tool!


mprivette said...

Isn't it great to have some new tools in your toolbox? I feel the same way. I'm passing my work on to my son's second grade teacher so that she can get turned on to blogging and so she can use the research I've done to help her class.


Unknown said...

I look forward to sharing your blog with my elementary schools/media specialists so they too can learn about books!

Unknown said...

Ok, you won't get rich or famous by doing this and nothing bad will happen to you if you don't, but if you get a chance (in your free time! ha!), I am tagging you for this meme. You can read about the rules here: