The Pigeon Wants a.........

On April 1st, Mo Willems is going to release a new pigeon book. He is having a contest to guess the ending of the title of the book. If you guess the title, then he will visit your school. The title is The Pigeon Wants... What do you think?


SC Hoosier... said...

this looks like it will be a great resource for others to use- Does your school do Accelerated Reader or use any other tracking system for your student readers performance? If so, that might be something that could be added as you go along. I am not sure if our Media person has attempted to blog yet- I will share your link and maybe yours will inspire!

Donna Goldsmith said...

Lisa, you have some great resources here. I look forward to reading your thoughts and insights about your blogging experience.

Bill Gaskins said...

This looks great! Do you have plan on how you plan to use the blog? That will help so much. I have you in my Google Reader so I will know when you update your post. Good Luck